It started with a need and grew into an idea!

Helping Handles started in the mind of inventor Glenn Hobbins. Glenn started in the plastic industry, where he worked for 12 years and became quality driven. Wanting to dive more into quality, he moved on to quality engineering work in metals, in which he made bolts and screws for the auto industry; an industry in which quality is key. It was in the auto industry, that he developed an understanding of how quality encompasses every aspect of a job from safety to ergonomics. That understanding turned into a passion. A passion for enhancing every workplace he has ever been involved with by providing a total quality concept.


He then left the auto industry to earn his CNA license and became a supervisor for adult care facilities. As he spent more time in the field, he began to realize there was a need for a tool to go along with the Gait Belt. This tool would be designed to help assist caregivers in performing their duties while providing stability, security, and control to both the recipient and the user.


 It was then that Helping Handles was born. Glenn worked on several prototypes before he found a design that was not only durable and ergonomically designed, but also comfortable! Once he had the design of the harness down, he created handles that are both adjustable and easy to clean. After the final product was complete, he went out and got it in the hands of nurses, EMTs, caregivers, and countless others, which brings us to today! Helping Handles is growing daily! What started as a side project has quickly grown into a full blown production! Ask us how you can get your very own Helping Handles today!



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